Do more with your Shopify Orders

Using Edit Order's Advanced Mode, you get enhanced tools for editing your Shopify orders. Easily manage your bespoke wholesale or custom product orders, so your customers receive their orders quickly, and your team can get more done in a day.

“This is an app we use EVERY DAY. Don’t think we could live without it. There’s always a need to edit, adjust, correct, revise, modify orders. Correcting orders is a daily occurrence. The Edit Order app makes it easy. It helps us provide excellent service for our customers.”

- Rick, Excellent Supply

A strong business needs advanced order editing.

Each business is as diverse as the people who buy from them, so Advanced Mode order editing is feature-packed with powerful tools to help your team build loyal customers. Get more done in a day with features you can't get with Shopify like expanded editing access and line item edits.

With Edit Order’s Advanced Mode, you can perform the same edits that you can in Shopify, plus additional options that fit your specific workflows and needs.

Additional editing options for large numbers of orders

Instead of creating a new order, get expanded edit access on your existing order. Change addresses, switch customers, adjust shipping rates, add cart discounts, and more!

Discount in your order
Line item edits

Versatile line item edits for custom orders and specialty products

The sky is the limit for customizing products in your order. Add discounts, modify pricing, exchange colors and sizes, change product weight...and that’s not even all.

Tax exemptions and more, made easy for wholesale orders

Setting your customer as tax exempt on your order is simple and intuitive. Also, make quick adjustments like modifying tax rates and adding custom fields directly on your order.

Tax exemptions and more

 Take a look at how Advanced Mode compares with Shopify

Edits & Features Advanced Mode Shopify
Add and remove item
Adjust quantity
Add custom item
Add discounts to existing line items
Add cart discounts to existing orders
Add/remove product options (line item properties)
Modify product options (line item properties)
Modify line item pricing
Change billing and shipping addresses
Exchange a product variant inline
Add/remove/modify custom fields
Modify/upgrade shipping
Edit orders after 180 days
Modify tax rates
Treat customer as tax exempt on order
Click to add groups of products to orders
Save custom messages for payment requests
View customer data directly on order
Edit before payment capture

How Advanced Mode works. This mode uses a “save-as” method that our team created to perform order edits that Shopify’s platform limits. To override these order-editing platform limitations, Advanced Mode enacts all of your edits on a separate order where these barriers no longer apply. However, this also cancels your original order, which may affect your sales reports.


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 An all-purpose solution to your order editing needs

Your business is uniquely yours, so your order processes should be too! Using Advanced Mode’s clean and intuitive interface, access the Shopify edits you know, plus a broad spectrum of editing and management options that aren’t available in Shopify. Tackle complex tasks right on your order, and keep an eye out for more helpful features!